BCRO January 2025 Meeting Minutes


BCRO JANUARY 2025 Meeting


Date :  JANUARY 14th, 2024

Time: 7PM-9pm

Location:    ON-LINE

Purpose:   Monthly meeting:  Virtual group meeting,  continued planning for activities, education

INVITED:     MEMBERS AND GUESTS:    10 members

Host:  Benton County Radio Operators

Facilitator:    PRESIDENT   moderating:   Darryl Waggoner







Treasurer Report:   Paul Blomgren reported 4 Membership dues have been paid.  The bank balance was reported, voted and accepted unanimously.  

Secretary Report:     Secretary Susan Walker, Minutes voted and accepted unanimously.



Repeater Report:   Steve Warner:  The Centerton repeater is working .   However, Mt. Whitney has a hole in the wall which needs patching when the weather is more suitable. Currently, all repeaters are working without problems.




Net report:   Net lineup was reviewed.  Net Controls: 1.  Van Allen; 2.  Susan Walker; 3.  Steve Werner.

Neil Poff it is ailing. It is hopeful for him to take the 4TH Thursdays.  Lisa Johnson will do the 5TH Thursdays.   Group members are attempting to loan a radio to Neil Poff to help Neil to fill in the open slots.             

Net Controllers please publicize that BCRO meetings are virtual via the BCRO website.    


Testing:   Testing continues the 3rd Saturday of the month at Cross Church in Springdale.  Preregister is made through Darryl Waggoner.  Email:  darryl@waggoner.me          Individuals passed in September and more are testing in October.


Website:  Currently, Van Allen is assisting with website and doing a great job.  Web ideas continue to be discussed.  Platforms are discussed.  




Member Neil Poff is in the Roger’s Rehab at the Inn Is Free. 

Former Treasure Glen Kilpatrick is at the Green House Circle of Life. 

It would be good to call the respective facility before visiting, to make sure visits are at an appropriate time.


Membership dues are payable on January 1st, 2025.


The Roger’s Public Library is still not available for meetings. 


The Vice President resigned. 

The position will remain open until someone volunteers for the position

A card was sent to the former Vice President.


Winter Field Day Is January 24-25.  Rick Pope encouraged group to participate with another group.


A discussion of home Weather Stations and the calibration of barometers occurred.    


Presentation by Steve Werner:  TOOLS OF THE TRADE.

AC/DC Amp meter, Watt meter, Oscilloscope -analog & digital, Spectrum Analyzer, Tracking Generator,

Service Monitor: the all in one CONTRAPTION.  Q & A Session. 



On-line meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month available via BCRO website.




Author: Van Allen