August 13, 2019

  1. The meeting was opened by club president Doug Shultz KD5DAS. All present self-introduced. Each member and guest signed the attendance log. There were a total of 14 members and guests present for the meeting. The original copy of the attendance log is attached to these minutes and is retained in the secretary file.
  2. The reading of minutes of last meeting was waived by members as the report is listed on the club web page. The treasurers report was given by club treasurer Gregg Doty N5RGD. The treasurers report lists a balance in the club treasury of $1,814.36. The treasurers report was approved by vote of members.
  3. President Doug discussed next years field Day, and ask for a committee to begin to plan for next years field day. Member Shane Fitzmaurice W5ZQI accepted chair of the field day planning committee. There was considerable discussion regarding next years field day activities.
  4. Member Rick Pope KG5MWG mentioned that the club needs a newsletter. All agreed that a newsletter was/is a great idea, but is seems that no one has the time or ability or desire to take on the project. President Doug said the suggestion for a newsletter would be taken under advisement and he would discuss the matter at a board meeting.
  5. President Doug advised that a member was needed to receive nominations for club officers for the coming year. Member Wayne Patten agreed to accept nominations. President Doug mentioned that volunteers are needed to present programs for upcoming membership meetings.
  6. Member Rick Pope discussed the need to recruit more women as club members. All agreed that it would be great to have more women members, and there was considerable discussion on that topic.
  7. President Doug discussed Tour de Cure, and complimented highly member Wayne Patton for the fine performance that Wayne did with Net Control duties for the Tour de Cure event.
  8. Member Mark Maddox KL7 IWT gave a report on the Tour de Cure event, and also reported on the upcoming Preparedness Fair to be held September 21st.
  9. Member Rick Riley discussed club uniform tee shirts.
  10. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned before 9 PM