September 10, 2019

  1. The meetting was opened by President Doug Shultz KD5DAS.
  2. All present signed the attendance log. There was a total of 12 members present for the meeting. The original copy of the attendance log is attached to these minutes, and is retained in the secretary file.
  3. The reading of minutes from previous meeting was waived by member vote because the minutes are posted on the club web page.
  4. The treasurers report was given by treasurer Gregg Doty N5RGD.
    – The treasurers report indicated a balance in the club treasury $1851.36.
    – The treasurers report was approved by vote of membership. Copy of the treasurers report is attached to these minutes, and is retained in the secretary files.
  5. A report was given by member Shane Fitzmaurice W5ZQI regarding next years field day activity location. Shane reported that he had several locations in mind for next years event.
  6. President Doug Shultz announced to the membership that all club officers will not be seeking re-election in the coming year. Positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be open, as each of the present occupants of these offices will not be accepting re-election.
  7. Wayne Patton K5UNX volunteered to receive nominations for new club officers.
  8. Paul Blomgren KC7DQY gave the program on the upcoming preppers fair to be held September 21st.
  9. Paul Blomgren also gave a program on the Northwest Arkansas Emergency Communications Organization.
  10. Shane Fitzmaurice brought up his concern about the overlapping times and schedule of various 2 meter nets that are conducted in the area and region.
  11. There was some discussion on the matter. No conciseness was reached on what could or should be done to deal with the issue.
  12. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned before 9 PM.